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Mit der Staffelei zur Frontlinie

Eine verwüstete Landschaft in Nieuwpoort, ein unter Wasser stehender Bunker oder ein Selbstporträt in Armeeuniform … Das sind bloß einige Szenen, die die Künstler der Section Artistique zwischen 1916 und 1918 gemalt haben.  La rue haute à Nieuport, Léon Huygens (La patrie belge, 11/03/1917, p. 1) Auch in den Jahren davor ...

A Network of Tunnels

"Gentlemen, we may not make history tomorrow, but we shall certainly change the geography," General Plumer told his staff on the eve of the attack. After several days of intense Allied shelling, everything suddenly fell silent at the German front at Messines Ridge near Wijtschate in the early hours of 7 June 1917. The Germans were ...

The Madonnas of Pervyse

In the First World War, thousands of women played an active part at the front as paramedics and nurses, including the divorced English midwife Elsie Knocker and the wealthy Scotswoman Mairi Chisholm. The care and medical treatment of wounded soldiers at the front was a chaotic affair. The Belgian Red Cross could not cope with the stream of ...

De madonna's van Pervijze

Tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog waren duizenden vrouwen actief aan het front als ambulancier of verpleger, onder hen de gescheiden Engelse vroedvrouw Elsie Knocker en de welstellende Schotse Mairi Chisholm. De opvang en verzorging van de gewonde soldaten aan het front verliep chaotisch. Het Belgische Rode Kruis was niet opgewassen tegen de ...

Claustrofobie onder water

Omdat de Britten over een machtige oorlogsvloot beschikten, besloten de Duitsers voor de oorlogsvoering op zee een nieuw wapen in te zetten: de onderzeeër. Zeker toen het Duitse leger op 1 februari 1917 de onbeperkte duikbotenoorlog uitriep, gingen duikboten een belangrijke rol spelen. Militair was het wapen vrij succesvol. Duitse onderzeeërs ...

Wilson and the Politics of Neutrality

The news of the German invasion of Belgium did not leave Americans indifferent. As early as 1914, they organised large-scale campaigns to provide ‘poor little Belgium’ with food and clothes. Actual participation in the war, however, was not on the cards yet. Having been in office for only a year and a half, President Woodrow Wilson ...

Neujahrswünsche und Gewehrfeuer

Nach dem spontanen Weihnachtsfrieden vom Dezember 1914 war der Heeresleitung an einer neuerlichen Verbrüderung zwischen den kämpfenden Parteien nicht besonders gelegen. Zu Silvester und am Neujahrstag knallten Gewehre und donnerten Kanonen wie ehedem. Dennoch versuchten manche Soldaten, dem ersten Jahreswechsel an der Front etwas Festliches zu ...

Wilson und die Neutralitätspolitik

Die Nachricht vom deutschen Einmarsch in Belgien ließ die Amerikaner nicht ungerührt. Schon 1914 organisierten sie großangelegte Kampagnen, um „poor little Belgium“ mit Nahrung und Kleidung zu versehen. Eine eigene Kriegsbeteiligung dagegen stand zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht zur Diskussion. Präsident Woodrow Wilson war erst anderthalb ...

St. Nicholas in wartime

In many Western European countries, Sinterklaas (or St. Nicholas) is celebrated around 5 - 6 December. In Belgium and the Netherlands, Sinterklaas is the ultimate children’s festive holiday, much more so than Christmas. St. Nicholas brings tasty treats and presents. This was also true on the eve of The First World War. At the time, it was ...

A Christmas spirit with a dark side

The first Christmas at the front, in 1914, passed in a remarkable atmosphere. At the start of hostilities, the soldiers had hoped for a short war. They had expected to be home long before Christmas and were surprised to find themselves still in the trenches. This is why there was little will to fight amongst many of the soldiers. This attitude was ...

The Treaty of Versailles

In January 1919, representatives of 32 countries travelled to Paris to re-draw the map of the post-war world, and to discuss what was to happen to the losers of the war. Each country brought its own agenda to the negotiating table. Belgium and Serbia were hoping for reparations, Polish and Irish nationalists sought recognition for their countries, ...

Emile Verhaeren

Before the war, Émile Verhaeren (1855-1916) was a celebrated symbolist author. The work of the French-speaking Flemish writer was highly acclaimed in the Francophone world, and Verhaeren became an urbane public figure with an extensive network of acquaintances in international cultural circles. He also made friends with King Albert I of Belgium ...
