Jouw zoekopdracht c:bnc:5099 heeft 17 resultaten opgeleverd

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    The Wipers times

    THE WIPERS TIMES. OR SAL1ENT NEWS. No 2:. Vol 1. Saturdav. 26th Fébruarv. 1916. Pîuce 100 Francs' Editorial. As our previous issue was so well received by the public, we hasten to produce our second number. At the îast moment (by the payment of an enormous sum of money) 'we were able to se Cure the services of Win'fred Honey-Saxwelf, the ...

    The Wipers times

    W.IIP E R S TIMES, X S A LIENT NEWS. »*Wi, No 4. Vol" 2. Monday. 20th Marc h, 1916. Pricb 50 Cswtimes. HAS YOUR BOY A MECHANICAL TURM OF MIND ? YES ! THEN BUY HIM A FLAMMENWERFER INSTRU CTIVE—AM U SI N G. —0—-c—o—o- Both young and ojd enjoy, This natty IHtle toy. -«-0 MMW0 MO*0 «4M GUARANTEED ABSOLUTELY HARMLESS Thousands Have ...

    The Wipers times

    THE WIPE RS T1 M ES. OR .gg|gg| SALIE NT NEWS. No 3 Vot I. Monday 6fh March. 1916. Price 200 Francs. Are you tired of thaï hum-drum Existence —The Existence tfaat Kills-— IF SO JOIN THE NEW AND GORGEOUSLY AFFOINTED NI GHT CLUB (NEXT OOOR TO HOTEL DES RAMPA.RTS.) And Lead a Gay aud Fast Lite. —o—o—o—o— MANY DARINGr INNOVATIONS. AU ...

    The Wipers times

    "NEW CHURCH" TIMES. K W1TH WHICH IS INCORPOPATED / THE WIPERS TIMESL^AA | No 4, Vol i. Monday. 29th May, 1916. Prîce 1 "Franc. NEUVE EGLISE HIPPODROME. This Week—Daily at 8.3o. —O—O—0—0— SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT FOfc ONE WEEK ONLY OF Willie Kozenzolîerns No. i Company In the New, Great and Stimng Drama—Entitled : "B I G ...

    The Wipers times

    THE K E ïVi I¥S E L TIMES. W1TH WHICH ARE 1NC0RP0RATED The Wipers Times & The "New Churcli" Times. 4 & No 1. Vol I. Monday. 3rd July, 1916. Price 1 Fran< THIS WEEK—FOR ONEWEEKONLY, —o—o—o—o— PROFESSOR SCRAPPERS PERFORIE TROUPE OF HIGHLY-TRAIED ÀNIMÀLS. — O—O—O—0— Screaming Farce Entitled : "Who ...


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