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The start of the final sprint: the liberation offensive

The allied liberation offensive began in August 1918. The allies launched an offensive over the entire western front, in order to push the Germans back for good. It was now or never. The German troops were at the end of their tether after the failure of their spring offensive. Revolution threatened in Germany. On the allied side, two million fresh ...

The Belgian press landscape during the Great War

On the eve of the war, the Belgian newspaper press was going through a heyday. Hundreds of national and local newspapers were being published, with a total print run of a million copies a day. It was an outspoken opinion press and many papers drew support from one of the political camps. In October 1914, the German advance brought an end to the ...

A deadly cloud: the first big gas attack in Belgium

On 22 April 1915, French and British troops were surprised by a yellow cloud drifting towards their lines between Steenstrate and Langemark. When the cloud reached the soldiers, they suffered violent and painful coughing fits and burning eyes. This first large-scale gas attack using deadly gas sent a wave of panic through the soldiers. On that ...

American shops

During The First World War, the Belgian population was dependent on foreign food aid. The Nationaal Hulp- en Voedingscomité played a crucial role in the distribution of the imported foodstuffs. To this end, the committee opened its own sales points, which the population could visit to buy sugar, corn, tinned meat, rice and other staple products. ...

Un nuage mortel, la première grande attaque au gaz en Belgique

Le 22 avril 1915, les troupes franco-britanniques prirent peur lorsqu’elles virent un nuage jaune s’approcher de leurs lignes entre Steenstrate et Langemark. Lorsque le nuage atteignit les soldats, ceux-ci furent pris de violentes et douloureuses quintes de toux et leurs yeux se mirent à brûler. Cette première attaque à grande ...

Attente à l’Yser ou grandes offensives?

L’armée belge enregistra beaucoup moins de pertes que l’armée britannique et l’armée française. Alors que près de 3,75 % des soldats mobilisés périrent dans l’armée belge, les pertes s’élevèrent respectivement à 10,3 % et 16,8 % chez leurs homologues britanniques et français. Une situation imputable, ...

Reconstruction or commemoration?

Following the war, a lot of Flemish cities were faced with the same question. Should their city rise from the ashes in full glory and look just as it had? Or did reconstruction offer opportunities for new urban visions? Should one honour the dead by leaving the rubble lie where it was? Or should one choose for big commemorative ...

Aide américaine pour les Belges

À la veille de la guerre, la Belgique dépendait en grande partie de l’importation pour s’alimenter. Celle-ci fut paralysée par le blocus maritime britannique. L’approvisionnement alimentaire devint rapidement problématique, surtout dans les villes. Pour nourrir la population, un gigantesque programme d’aide fut mis sur ...

Stabilisation du front jusqu’à l’Yser

En août 1914, les Allemands progressèrent vers le sud et l’ouest par la Belgique. Ils atteignirent rapidement la frontière franco-belge, mais furent arrêtés à la Marne par les troupes franco-britanniques.    Le haut commandement allemand bouleversa ensuite ses plans pour tenter de marcher sur Paris par l’ouest. ...

Quatre années de fuite

La Première Guerre mondiale initia un flux massif de réfugiés. Au moins 500 000 civils belges, plus de 7 % de la population, passèrent les quatre longues années de la guerre à l’étranger.    Poussés par des histoires épouvantables et la progression de l’armée allemande, des millions de Belges fuirent leur ...

The world at the front

The First World War was primarily fought in Europe, but soldiers and workers from all over the world came here to fight and work for the various armies.   Quite early in the war, the European great powers deployed their colonial troops to supplement their own armies. The British were able to call on Indian, Canadian, Australian and South ...

Wait at the Yser or major offensives?

In contrast to the British and French armies, the Belgian army suffered much fewer losses. While approximately 3,75% of the mobilised soldiers in the Belgian army were killed, this was around 10,3% and 16,8% in the British and French armies. On the one hand, this was caused by the strategic choices of the high command, and on the other, by the ...
