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Marie, Irène and Petite Curie

Marie Skłodowska Curie (1867-1934) was a Polish-French chemist and physicist. One of the most influential female scientist of all time, she and her husband Pierre Curie were pioneers in the field of radioactivity. She was the first woman to be awarded the Nobel prize, in 1903 for physics and in 1911 for chemistry. In 1906, she became the first ...

Tanks at the Front!

The First World War quickly got bogged down in a trench war whose front lines barely moved, and which had all warring parties frantically searching for ways to break the stalemate. Independently of each other, the French and British hit on the same idea: motorised, armoured vehicles armed with machine guns and cannons. Such 'tanks', as the ...

De Russen stappen uit de oorlog

In het voorjaar van 1917 werd de Russische tsaar ten val gebracht. Een Voorlopige Regering nam de macht over en beloofde een vrijer, meer democratisch regime. Maar over de oorlog was het nieuwe regime categoriek: Rusland zou samen met de geallieerden de strijd verderzetten, tot de onvoorwaardelijke overgave van Duitsland. Een afzonderlijke vrede ...

Reading historical newspapers critically

Newspapers are an accessible source for studying different aspects of The First World War. But just as with other historical sources, the information in newspapers has to be critically examined. This is true of both the texts and the photos and illustrations.   The critical examination of sources is known by historians as ...

American help for the Belgians

On the eve of the war, Belgium was dependent for a great part of its food supply on imports. Because of the British maritime blockade, imports came to a standstill. As a result, food supplies quickly became problematic, particularly in the cities. In order to feed the population, a gigantic aid programme was set in motion undertaken by two ...

Anvers: de Réduit national à ville occupée

Une ville imprenable   Dès le milieu du 19e siècle, Anvers occupa une place particulière dans les plans de défense militaire. Le gouvernement et le haut commandement avaient décidé de transformer la ville portuaire en Réduit national, une forteresse dans laquelle l’armée, le roi et le gouvernement pourraient se replier ...

Bronzed heroines

Although many spies from The First World War remained anonymous for good, some achieved heroic status. In this way, Edith Cavell was turned into a model of resistance immediately after her execution. This British citizen had been the head of the first Belgian nursing school since 1907. Following the German invasion, she became the central figure ...

Le monde au front

La Première Guerre mondiale fut principalement menée en Europe, mais des soldats et des ouvriers arrivèrent ici du monde entier pour combattre et se mettre au service des différentes armées.   Dès les prémices de la guerre, les grandes puissances européennes utilisèrent leurs troupes coloniales pour compléter leur propre armée. ...

Four years a refugee

The First World War created a gigantic stream of refugees. At least 500,000 Belgian citizens, more than 7% of the Belgian population, spent four long war years abroad.    Driven out by horror stories and the advancing German army, millions of Belgians fled their town or village. Many ultimately reached the borders with The ...

Un assassinat qui mit le monde à feu et à sang, l’attentat visant Franz...

Le prince héritier austro-hongrois Franz Ferdinand fut assassiné à Sarajevo le 28 juin 1914.   Sarajevo était la capitale de la province autrichienne de Bosnie. L’Autriche-Hongrie était un état multiethnique soumis à de fortes tensions nationalistes. Une partie de la population bosniaque soutenait la Serbie indépendante ...

Le sprint final est engagé, l’offensive de libération

L’offensive de libération alliée commença dès août 1918. Les alliés amorcèrent l’attaque sur tout le front occidental pour repousser définitivement les Allemands. C’était maintenant ou jamais. Les troupes allemandes étaient sur les rotules après l’échec de leur offensive du printemps. En Allemagne, la ...

To the Yser: the front stabilises

In August 1914, the Germans advanced in a southerly and westerly direction through Belgium. They soon reached the French-Belgian border, but they were halted at the Marne by French and British troops.    The German military command would subsequently change plans and attempt to break through to Paris by tracing an arc west. The ...
