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    Over de schreef: De grens met Nederland

    Al vanaf het begin van de oorlog gonsde het van activiteit aan de grens met het neutrale Nederland. Bijna onmiddellijk na de bezetting sloot de Duitse overheid de grens met Nederland af met prikkeldraad. De Duitsers wilden Belgische oorlogsvrijwilligers verhinderen om via Nederland aan het front te geraken en smokkel een halt ...

    De hond aan het front

    Honden speelden, net als andere dieren, een niet te onderschatten rol in de oorlogsvoering. Ook zij werden in 1914 ‘onder de wapens geroepen’ en hielpen de soldaten op allerlei manieren. Achter het front werden ze voor kleine karren gespannen en zo vervoerden ze machinegeweren, munitiekisten en eten. Na een beschietingen of in het ...

    Wacht aan den IJzer of grote offensieven?

    In vergelijking met het Britse en Franse leger telde het Belgische leger veel minder verliezen. Terwijl in het Belgisch leger ongeveer 3,75% van de gemobiliseerde soldaten sneuvelde, lag dit in het Britse en Franse leger rond 10,3% en 16,8%. Dit kwam enerzijds door strategische keuzes van het opperbevel en anderzijds door de fysische gesteldheid ...

    Vier jaar vluchteling

    De Eerste Wereldoorlog bracht een gigantische vluchtelingenstroom op gang. Minstens 500 000 Belgische burgers, ruim 7% van de Belgische bevolking, brachten vier lange oorlogsjaren in het buitenland door.    Voortgestuwd door gruwelverhalen en het oprukkende Duitse leger, ontvluchtten miljoenen Belgen hun stad of dorp. Velen bereikten ...

    A new role for women?

    In Great Britain, the army swallowed up an important part of the male workforce during The First World War. Women often took over their work in the factories, or in the fields, temporarily. However, the efforts of women had little impact on their post-war role. In Belgium, the scope of the employment of women in the war industry, and in the ...

    Ludwig von Falkenhausen at the head of the occupation regime

    On 26 August 1914, the German high command established a military administration in Belgium to run the occupation smoothly. This administration was called the General Governorate, and was led by a general governor. Moritz von Bissing occupied this position from December 1914 until his death in April 1917. After his death, the German military ...

    The League of Nations

    After 11 November 1918, the cry of 'No war ever again’ sounded out louder than ever before. The countries that negotiated the peace accord were in agreement that the text of the treaty should contain sufficient guarantees to prevent future wars. One of these guarantees was the foundation of a League of Nations that would devote itself to ...

    The dog at the front

    Dogs, like other animals, played a role in the warfare that should not be underestimated. They too were 'called to arms' in 1914, and helped the soldiers in a variety of ways. Behind the front, they were hitched to small carts, and in this way they transported machine guns, ammunition cases and food. After artillery fire, or in no ...

    Flemish policy and activism

    During The First World War, Germany believed in the divide-and-rule principle. By sowing division, the German position would be strengthened. Flamenpolitik, or Flemish Policy, formed an integral part of this strategy.   The German occupier wished to drive back the French influence. To this end, their activities included the founding of a ...

    Tourism in time of war

    Immediately before The First World War, a democratisation of tourism took place. Tourism was no longer only reserved for the very wealthiest; the well-off middle class could also afford a trip every now and then too. At the outbreak of the war, tourism in occupied Belgium initially fell completely still. Conveyances such as cars and bicycles were ...

    Magasins américains

    Pendant la Première Guerre mondiale, la population belge était dépendante de l’aide alimentaire étrangère. Le Comité de secours et d’alimentation national joua un rôle primordial dans la distribution des denrées alimentaires importées. Il ouvrit ses propres points de vente dans lesquels la population pouvait acheter du sucre, ...

    Dogs under the occupation

    Because so many horses and donkeys were requisitioned in occupied Belgium, dogs had to provide even more pulling power than before the war. They were harnessed to dogcarts and pulled the milkman's milk, the baker's bread, and the farmer's children. However, the Germans, who were not familiar with the practice, rejected dogcarts as ...
