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The dog at the front

Dogs, like other animals, played a role in the warfare that should not be underestimated. They too were 'called to arms' in 1914, and helped the soldiers in a variety of ways. Behind the front, they were hitched to small carts, and in this way they transported machine guns, ammunition cases and food. After artillery fire, or in no ...

Flemish policy and activism

During The First World War, Germany believed in the divide-and-rule principle. By sowing division, the German position would be strengthened. Flamenpolitik, or Flemish Policy, formed an integral part of this strategy.   The German occupier wished to drive back the French influence. To this end, their activities included the founding of a ...

Dogs under the occupation

Because so many horses and donkeys were requisitioned in occupied Belgium, dogs had to provide even more pulling power than before the war. They were harnessed to dogcarts and pulled the milkman's milk, the baker's bread, and the farmer's children. However, the Germans, who were not familiar with the practice, rejected dogcarts as ...

Les chiens sous l’occupation

On réquisitionnait tellement de chevaux et d’ânes en Belgique occupée que les chiens devaient encore plus assurer la force de traction qu’avant la guerre. Ils étaient attelés à la charrette à chiens et tractaient le lait du laitier, le pain du boulanger et les enfants du fermier. Les Allemands, qui ne connaissaient pas cet ...

The Belgian press landscape during the Great War

On the eve of the war, the Belgian newspaper press was going through a heyday. Hundreds of national and local newspapers were being published, with a total print run of a million copies a day. It was an outspoken opinion press and many papers drew support from one of the political camps. In October 1914, the German advance brought an end to the ...

The world at the front

The First World War was primarily fought in Europe, but soldiers and workers from all over the world came here to fight and work for the various armies.   Quite early in the war, the European great powers deployed their colonial troops to supplement their own armies. The British were able to call on Indian, Canadian, Australian and South ...

Imagery in cartoons

Today, the many political cartoons from the First World War are an interesting source of information about the war years and the general perception of this period. However, it is important to remember that an effective interpretation of the cartoons takes some background knowledge, as they are based on their own unique imagery. The cartoonists ...

Het Belgische krantenlandschap tijdens de Groote Oorlog

Aan de vooravond van de oorlog beleefde de Belgische dagbladpers gouden tijden. Er verschenen honderden algemene en lokale kranten, goed voor een dagelijkse oplage van een miljoen exemplaren. Het was een uitgesproken opiniepers en veel kranten leunden aan bij één van de politieke zuilen. In oktober 1914 bracht de Duitse opmars een einde aan die ...

Russia quits the War

In spring 1917, the Russian tsar was overthrown. The interim government that took power promised a freer, more democratic regime. When it came to the war, however, the new regime was categorical: Russia would continue the struggle together with the Allies until Germany surrendered unconditionally. A separate peace was not an option, though it was ...

Les Russes se retirent de la guerre

Au printemps 1917, le tsar russe fut renversé. Un gouvernement provisoire s'empara du pouvoir et promit un régime plus libre et démocratique. Mais concernant la guerre, le nouveau régime fut catégorique : La Russie poursuivrait la bataille aux côtés des alliés jusqu'à la capitulation inconditionnelle de l'Allemagne. Une ...

Beeldtaal in cartoons

Vandaag vormen de vele politieke spotprenten uit de Eerste Wereldoorlog een interessante bron over de oorlogsjaren en de kijk op die periode. Belangrijk daarbij is de nuance dat het kennis vergt om de beeldtaal van de cartoons effectief te kunnen lezen. Ze steunen namelijk op een geheel eigen beeldtaal. Daarbij maakte de cartoonist gebruik van ...

Het verdrag van Versailles

Vertegenwoordigers van 32 landen zakten in januari 1919 af naar Parijs om de naoorlogse wereldkaart te hertekenen en te bespreken wat moest gebeuren met de verliezers van de oorlog. Elk land schoof aan tafel met zijn eigen agenda. België en Servië hoopten op herstelbetalingen, Poolse en Ierse nationalisten zochten erkenning voor hun land, Duitse ...
