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St. Nicholas in wartime

In many Western European countries, Sinterklaas (or St. Nicholas) is celebrated around 5 - 6 December. In Belgium and the Netherlands, Sinterklaas is the ultimate children’s festive holiday, much more so than Christmas. St. Nicholas brings tasty treats and presents. This was also true on the eve of The First World War. At the time, it was ...

Folk and fairy tales

Once upon a time ... Fairy tales by the brothers Grimm were already more than one hundred years old. Just like today, they were part of the collective memory and belonged to the classic canon of folktales, alongside stories of Hans Christian Andersen and Charles Perrault. In times of war, fables and fairy tales could brighten up a ...

A Christmas spirit with a dark side

The first Christmas at the front, in 1914, passed in a remarkable atmosphere. At the start of hostilities, the soldiers had hoped for a short war. They had expected to be home long before Christmas and were surprised to find themselves still in the trenches. This is why there was little will to fight amongst many of the soldiers. This attitude was ...

The Treaty of Versailles

In January 1919, representatives of 32 countries travelled to Paris to re-draw the map of the post-war world, and to discuss what was to happen to the losers of the war. Each country brought its own agenda to the negotiating table. Ultimately, the conference would be dominated by the visions of the ‘Big Three’: the American president ...

The Treaty of Versailles

In January 1919, representatives of 32 countries travelled to Paris to re-draw the map of the post-war world, and to discuss what was to happen to the losers of the war. Each country brought its own agenda to the negotiating table. Belgium and Serbia were hoping for reparations, Polish and Irish nationalists sought recognition for their countries, ...

Emile Verhaeren

Before the war, Émile Verhaeren (1855-1916) was a celebrated symbolist author. The work of the French-speaking Flemish writer was highly acclaimed in the Francophone world, and Verhaeren became an urbane public figure with an extensive network of acquaintances in international cultural circles. He also made friends with King Albert I of Belgium ...



Secretariaat voor Katholieke Vlaamsche Hoogstudenten

De Groote Oorlog was vier jaar lang het synoniem voor zinloos geweld, ellende en veel eenzaamheid. Frontsoldaten zochten bij wijze van afleiding hun toevlucht in drank, cafeetjes en allerlei oorden van vertier. Gestaag groeide er een frontcultuur die voor katholiek Vlaanderen synoniem stond voor ‘religieuze en zedelijke ...

Nieuwjaarswensen en geweerschoten

Na het spontane kerstbestand van december 1914 was de legerleiding niet happig op een nieuwe verbroedering tussen de strijdende partijen. Op oudjaar en nieuwjaarsdag weerklonken geweerschoten en bulderden kanonnen als vanouds. Toch probeerden sommige soldaten om de eerste jaarovergang aan het front een feestelijk karakter te geven. ...

Der Schwarzmarkt

Schon vor dem Krieg war Belgien für seine Lebensmittelversorgung auf Importe angewiesen. Während des Krieges kamen diese zum Erliegen, was die Ernährungslage schon bald äußerst angespannt machte. Initiativen wie das Nationale Hilfs- und Ernährungskomitee waren ein Pflaster auf die Wunde, aber keine vollständige Lösung. Lebensmittel, aber ...

Emile Verhaeren

Émile Verhaeren (1855-1916) était un illustre auteur symboliste. Lorsque la guerre éclata, Verhaeren était désemparé. La guerre allait à l'encontre de tous les idéaux auxquels il croyait et qui inspiraient son œuvre. En 1916, le peuple belge était en deuil après une chute dans la gare de Rouen était mortelle pour le poète. Pour ...

Emile Verhaeren

Émile Verhaeren (1855-1916) was a celebrated symbolist author. When war broke out, Verhaeren was devastated. War went against all ideals he believed in and which inspired his work. Belgium was in mourning when the poet died tragically at a train station in Rouen in 1916. To find out more, read our blog: 'Emile ...
