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    Het rantsoen en de zwarte markt

    Voor de oorlog was België al aangewezen op import voor haar voedselvoorziening. Tijdens de oorlog kwam die stil te liggen waardoor de voedselsituatie al snel nijpend werd. Initiatieven zoals het Nationaal Hulp- en Voedingscomité waren een pleister op de wonde maar boden geen volledige oplossing. Voedsel, maar ook bijvoorbeeld brandstoffen ...

    The International Congress of Women

    The International Woman Suffrage Alliance (IWSA) was founded by leading feminists in 1904. The organisation was devoted to securing women's suffrage and held regular international conferences. In 1915, it was due to take place in Berlin but was cancelled because of the war. On a proposal by the Dutch feminist Dr. Aletta Jacobs, the ...

    Februarrevolution in Russland

    Am Vorabend des Ersten Weltkriegs herrschte Unruhe in Russland. Immer mehr Russen äußerten öffentlich ihr Missfallen über Zar Nikolaus II. und dessen autoritäres Regime. Bei Ausbruch des Krieges wurde dieses Missfallen vorübergehend von einer Woge des Patriotismus überlagert. Die starken antideutschen Gefühle brachten eine rasche und ...

    Klaustrophobie unter Wasser

    Weil die Briten über eine mächtige Kriegsflotte verfügten, beschlossen die Deutschen, bei der Kriegsführung auf See eine neue Waffe einzusetzen: das Unterseeboot. Spätestens seit die deutsche Armee am 1. Februar 1917 den uneingeschränkten U-Boot-Krieg ausgerufen hatte, spielten U-Boote eine wichtige Rolle. Militärisch war die Waffe recht ...

    Underwater claustrophobia

    In the face of Britain's powerful war fleet, the Germans decided to bring a new weapon into action: the submarine. Especially once the German army declared unrestricted submarine warfare on 1 February 1917, submarines started playing an important part. From a military point of view, the weapon was a success, with German submarines sinking ...

    Secretariat for Catholic Flemish Students

    The Great War became a synonym for senseless violence, misery and loneliness. Soldiers at the front sought distraction in liquor, bars and other places of amusement. Gradually this grew out to be a ‘culture’ at the front, known as ‘religious and moral distress’ in catholic Flanders. In 1916, Frans Daels, doctor at ...

    Die Flandern-Rundfahrt


    Film and cinema

    After the invention of film at the end of the nineteenth century, it didn’t take long for cinemas to pop up everywhere and become widely popular. According to an article in ‘t Volk van Ronse, Belgium already counted 635 cinemas on the eve of the First World War. During the war this growth continued along the same lines. Movie theaters ...

    Sociale bewogenheid aan het front: Gaston Rombaut

    Na de Eerste Wereldoorlog maakte Gaston Rombaut vooral naam binnen de Vlaamse beweging. Hij engageerde zich als gouwvoorzitter in het Verbond der Vlaamse Oud-Strijders (VOS) en werd in 1941 oorlogsburgemeester van Sint-Amandsberg. Tijdens de Groote Oorlog verbleef Rombaut echter vier jaar aan het IJzerfront, waar hij vooral bekend stond om zijn ...

    The Tour of Flanders

    When war broke out in August 1914, the Tour of Flanders was still only a small competition. Just two editions had been held since its founding the year before. With the transformation of the race track in a combat zone, the future appeared uncertain. Nevertheless, in 1915 and 1916 two editions were held on indoor cycling tracks. The German ...

    A Network of Tunnels

    After several days of intense Allied shelling, everything suddenly fell silent at the German front at Messines Ridge near Wijtschate in the early hours of 7 June 1917. The Germans were surprised but opened fire regardless, until all of a sudden, huge explosions rang out, shaking the ground like an earthquake. Nineteen gigantic subterranean mines ...

    Jozef Simons. Écrivain, soldat et flamingant

    La Première Guerre mondiale constitua rapidement après l'armistice une précieuse source d'inspiration pour les artistes et écrivains. Un des écrivains à publier sur la rude vie au front fut Jozef Simons (1888-1948). Blog: Jozef Simons. Écrivain, soldat et ...
